Write a Review
Dec 16, 2021
Feb 5, 2021
2 reviews

Many of my relatives were from Mt. Sterling and as I was growing up we visited there numerous times every year. Ruth Hunt Candies was always our last stop before getting on the interstate and heading home. Pull (creame) candy and rock candy were my choices for taking home. I don't get back to Mt. Sterling as often as I use to but you can bet that Ruth Hunt is still my last stop before heading home. Unlike most things from our childhood their products are as good now as I remember them. Whenever I am lucky enough to find them outside of Mt. Sterling you can bet that I buy as much as I can afford. Their treats always stir fond memories of my youth, my relatives and a simpler time of life.
As finish this comment I suddenly feel the need for a road trip.
Bill Miller
Missing the BEST STUFF EVER!

It's amazing what you miss when you move away from home. I grew up in Kentucky and cream candy was always a welcomed special treat growing up. I love this stuff, it is absolutely addictive. I always try to bring some back with me so I'll always have a little piece of Kentucky with me. If you haven't tried it, you don't know what your missing. It is truly THE BEST STUFF EVER!! You won't be disappointed.
Rebecca Mingus
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